Monday, 7 February 2011

Building and painting the Lumbago project and story.

The arse end of 2010 and dawn of 2011 has been a hectic few months.
Lots of personal stuff, moving flats and all the packing and unpacking that goes with it along with lectures, studying and an extra busy work schedule has meant my gaming and this blog has suffered some serious neglect.

With the work thing finally wrapping up and a glimmer of hope that I might be getting my personal life and gaming back on track, the adventures of our members of the International Lumbago Peacekeeping Force will continue.

First up will be Lieutenant Holdem's USMC Platoon (20mm by Elheim figures), with two 13 men squads undercoated and ready to be painted using Piers' excellent painting guide which can be found here on the Ambush Alley Games Forums!

Beyond that, we have a large number of foreign fighters, insurgents and local militia (by Caesar Miniatures) also to be painted.